
Symfony Console

Installed via cli-install shortcuts:symfony-console or cli-install s:s

Typing bin/console --env=dev cache:clear is long and not really practicable. Symfony allows to use abbreviations for the commands like bin/console --env=dev c:c, but this is also long.

The PHP CLI Tools install shortcuts for the dev and prod environments that will make you able to use dev c:c instead of bin/console --env=dev c:c and prod c:c instead of bin/console --env=prod --no-debug c:c.

They will work for both the bin/console of Symfony3 and the app/console of Symfony2.


Installed via cli-install shortcuts:phpspec or cli-install s:p

phpspec is a great tool but it is intensively using the command line. This might scare of developers that are not using the command line normally. Therefore two scripts are provided that will help using phpspec from command line.

phpspec provides two commands and so there are two scripts. The first is called describe. It is a shortcut for vendor/bin/phpspec describe. But it will do more. If you have a composer.json and you have only one PSR-4 mapping configured in your autoload section, then you can omit the part of the class that you describe. Assuming that you configured Acme\Foo\ in your composer.json, you can execute describe Bar/Baz instead of vendor/bin/phpspec describe Acme/Foo/Bar/Baz.

The other script does less magic. Its called pspec and is a shortcut for vendor/bin/phpspec run.