
Global Commit Template

Installed via cli-install git:commit-template:global or cli-install g:c:g

Following a commit message standard can be very hard at the beginning. And looking at instructions is annoying. A good commit template helps with this and recalls the important parts of the standard.

This installation will let choose one of many predefined commit templates. You can have a look at the various templates at

Global .gitignore

Installed via cli-install git:ignore:global or cli-install g:i:g

Adding the same files over and over again to your .gitignore can be very annoying. Therefore Git allows to ignore files globally within a global .gitignore file.

This installation let you assemble a global .gitignore file using the templates from and configures git to use it.

Oh my git

Installed via cli-install git:oh-my or cli-install g:o

oh my git provides a small toolbar within your bash that only appears when you are within a Git repository. It visualizes things like the upstream branch, the status of the upstream branch (commits behind/ahead, fast forward possible) and other useful information.

For further details see

SCM Breeze

Installed via cli-install git:scm-breeze or cli-install g:s

SCM Breeze is a set of shell scripts (for bash and zsh) that enhance your interaction with git. It integrates with your shell to give you numbered file shortcuts, a repository index with tab completion, and many other useful features.

For further details see