Bash Completion


Installed via cli-install bash:completion:composer or cli-install b:c:c Using composer from the command line is cool but looking into every time you forgot how a package is spelled is not.

iArren developed a bash completion that will complete both package name and version.

If you want to know more please visit

Tools based on Symfony Console

Installed via cli-install bash:completion:symfony-console or cli-install b:c:s

Many command line tools in PHP (like Behat, php-cs-fixer, phpmetrics, PHPSpec and every Symfony Application) are based on the awesome Symfony Console. Therefore it is really useful to have autocompletion for the Symfony Console.

Fortunately Bilal Amarni developed a tool that provides a basic completion for tools based on Symfony Console. If you want to know more have a look at

Although composer is also based on the Symfony Console, I do not recommend to enable this tool for composer, because there is another tool especially developed for composer that provides a better completion for composer (see above).